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Our HSE courses provide the essential skills and certification to open you to new career opportunities and professional growth.

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Accredited oil and gas career training courses!

Our Oil and Gas Training program provides essential skills in safety, compliance, equipment handling, and environmental best practices to help professionals succeed in the industry.

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HSE (Health, Safety, and Environmental) training in oil and gas focuses on ensuring workplace safety, compliance with regulations, and minimizing environmental impact. It equips workers with the knowledge and skills to prevent accidents, handle hazardous materials, and promote safe operations in the industry.

This course focuses on the safe and efficient techniques for lifting, securing, and moving heavy equipment and materials on rigs and offshore platforms. At the end of this course, the personnel will be able to perform and conduct a safe rigging and slinging activities and understand the safety requirements of the industry using the HSE approved code of signals.

Roustabout jobs don’t usually require years of experience as it is the entry level of the oil and gas career. Also educational requirement for this career is quite flexible, that is, graduates and non-graduates can work as a roustabout/rig helper or roughneck as long as they are trained, adequately certified and competent.

According to OSHA fact sheet, an estimation of 120 workplace fatalities and 50,000 injuries occur each year from uncontrolled hazardous energy. Learn about hazardous energy control here.

According to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) UK, a whooping one-third of work-related injuries results from manual Handling. Having a manual handling and risk assessment training comes is essential.

The Emergency Preparedness, Response and Management Training and Certification will equip you with the skills and knowledge to effectively plan and respond to emergencies in the workplace and anywhere else.

Permit To Work (PTW) system forms a part of a safe system of working for high-risk jobs. 

The Permit To Work course and certification is a mandatory requirement for workers in the oil and gas, electrical, construction, maritime and engineering industry.

Good housekeeping is a crucial part of safety. OSHA makes good housekeeping a workplace safety requirement. OSHA requires a tidy and clean workplace because they are safer. Just taking a little time to put things in their place can prevent many accidents and injuries.

Our oil and gas downstream training course is targeted at enabling participants to have a solid understanding of the fundamental oil and gas downstream processes and operations. By taking the training, you will be able to analyze key processes involved with refining and production activities of crude oil…

Fire risk assessment is carried out to identify hazards and fire risks to a to facility or premises as a proactive measure to fire prevention. This fire risk assessment training provides you the skills and knowledge required to carry out standard fire risk assessment and monitoring of the fire protection system of any facility.

Working at height will always be a hazardous job. It contributes to the major causes of workplace fatalities and injuries.
If a work at height has no serious precautions in place it is liable to cause injury to those working at that height or around such working platform. There are strict regulations on working at height.

Fire is a deadly destructive force. It is fast and a major killer. Within thirty seconds, a small blaze of fire can become a disaster. This basic fire fighting and rescue training will certify you to become a skilled responder to incipient fires and rescue victims of a fire incident.

Confined spaces are potentially hazardous spaces. Confined spaces may have hazards such as lack of breathable air, extreme temperatures, hazardous gases, dust or loose powders or liquids that might engulf you. This well designed OSHA standard confined space entry training will certify you competent to work in confined spaces.

Safe Handling of chemicals (SHOC) also known as Hazard communication (HAZCOM) is important for anyone who works with or is required to handle chemicals which of course can be acutely or chronically hazardous to them. This Hazcom/chemical safety training will certify you to work safely with chemicals involving the transport, use, storage and disposal of chemicals.

Accredited Training Courses in Nigeria for Career Building!

  • Join our training classes and start building the most wanted career available today. 
  • As your trusted partner in career development, we offer an array of online certificate courses that you can take from the comfort of your home or workplace at your own time/schedule.
  • We also make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s evolving industry.