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First Aid, CPR & AED

The skills acquired in this course are priceless and highly rewarding. Not only does the first aid training provide you with the skills, knowledge and certification to potentially save lives, it also makes you a very safety conscious person both at work and in your personal life. A career in health and safety, especially in the niche of first aid and CPR is absolutely indispensable.

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Diagnosis And Initial Management Of HIV/AIDS: What the primary care provider should know

This course describe ways HIV can be transmitted and helps you Identify two laboratory tests used to assess HIV disease. You will be able to describe the clinical progression of HIV and understand the purpose of antiretroviral treatment. know the side effects of ARV - managing the effects and basic facts about adherence to the ARV therapy.

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Applied Ergonomics For Nurses And Health Care Workers

This training program will help you Identify activities at work or away from work that could put you at risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Identify the primary risk factors that can contribute to the development of work related MSDs. You will be able to define why manual patient handling tasks are unsafe. Define health care ergonomics, engineering, work practice and administrative controls. Identify examples of work practice controls that can help reduce your risk of injury when performing patient handling and care tasks.

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Stress Management Supercourse For Nurses

This international Supercourse project was developed to improve global nursing practice by teaching skills to better manage chronic conditions. This module focuses on stress management, major concepts are addressed from a health promotion prospective. Other lessons within the Supercourse integrate with this lesson and address key stress management concepts, including lessons on nutrition, physical activity, and sleep.

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Mental Health First Aid

Mental illnesses are common among youths and adults. 1 in 5 adults is faced with mental illnesses each year. Mental health first aid (MHFA) training provides you with the skill and knowledge you need to help someone experiencing mental plight and even substance-use crisis. With the mental first aid training, you will be able to recognise or identify and respond to mental health, substance use crisis and distress and provide employees in the workplace support in the way of non-judgment conversion to pointing them towards the appropriate support or help.

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Non-clinical Providers Promotion of Oral Health In HIV Care For Clients

This International program is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Oral cancer kills over 8,000 people each year, a major preventive care focus. Learn about how oral health impacts overall health and assist the patient/client in recognizing their oral health needs and Learn how to incorporate basic oral health assessment into everyday practice.

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Perinatal HIV Update: Screening, Prevention, & Treatment

The information contained in this instructional material will help you recognize that all pregnant persons should be screened for HIV and describe HIV prevention strategies. You will be able to Identify who should be started on HIV treatment and describe the impact. This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

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Decontamination Plan For Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare facilities are ideal settings for the transmission of infections. Patients have infections they can transmit to other patients and healthcare workers. Sick patients are more susceptible to acquiring infections. Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) affect patients, healthcare workers, their families, and communities IPC helps reduce the risk of transmitting infections to the patient and to the environment.

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Emergency Response and Management Training

We are not in control of the timing of bad incidents happening. Emergency response planning is another form of proactive safety measure. The Emergency Preparedness, Response and Management Training and Certification will equip you with the skills and knowledge to effectively plan and respond to emergencies in the workplace and anywhere else.

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Dementia Awareness And Guide

This guide is a useful source of information, written specifically for people living with dementia. It was developed in consultation with people living with dementia, their families and carers, making the information as relevant and meaningful as possible. We hope that it reassures you that support is available. Most importantly, we hope it empowers you to look after your health and live well for as long as possible.

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Introduction To Caregiving Course

This introductory caregiving course covers care for seniors and persons living with disabilities. You will learn about stress management, time management and organising skills, the significance of confidentiality, abuse identification and reporting, personality types and communication styles of individuals, vision, hearing and cognitive...

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Basics Of HIV And AIDS

Know basic facts about the impact, trends, definition, and causes of HIV. Understand the factors that affect the risk of transmission and vulnerability to HIV infection. Learn strategies to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS and care for people with HIV (PLHIV) and the challenges of managing HIV and AIDS.

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National Nutritional Guideline On Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Prevention, Control And Management

NCDs are the leading cause of death globally killing 36 million people every year. It is projected that NCDs would increase by 27% in the next 10 years in the developing countries especially in Africa. This guideline is meant to provide information and knowledge on good nutrition that is essential in the prevention and management of NCDs. This guideline can be used by the general public including the following: a) Individuals b) Households c) Health workers d) Health institutions e) Educational institutions f) Corporate organizations g) Food industries, eateries, hotels, restaurants etc.

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Leaders In Fitness Training

Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. The information contained in this training manual is intended as a fitness guide and is not intended to replace a personal trainer. Remember; please consult your doctor before beginning any type of workout or diet program. This manual is the course material for the following certifications: Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor, Senior Fitness Instructor, and Aqua Fitness Instructor.

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Becoming A Personal Fitness Trainer (Career Guide)

While the profession of personal training is evolving and pivoting due to recent events, the demand for fitness-related services continues to grow and have further reach than ever before. While there’s not a “one-size-fits all” approach when it comes to pursuing a career in health and fitness, this career guide offers a comprehensive view of the profession of personal training, complete with a detailed look at the current and future state of the industry as well as an assortment of popular career track options and the pros and cons associated with each.

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